Upcoming courses, seminars, workshops and other events will be published here. If you want to publish an event, please contact the network coordinator Anja Nilsen.

Courses at ESTRO School




Tue 01.06 2021, 15:00-16:00

"The Silver Tsunami" - online seminar series 1:4

Title: "Geriatriske screeningverktøy til bruk hos kreftpasienter" by Marit Slaaen, Innlandet sykehus

Online (Norsk Helsenett)

Program and registration


Tue 08.06 2021, 15:00-16:00

"The Silver Tsunami" - online seminar series 2:4

Title: "Hvordan kan geriatrisk screening gjennomføres i en hektisk klinisk hverdag?» by Siri Rostoft, OUS

Online (Norsk Helsenett)

Program and registration


Tue 15.06 2021, 15:00-16:00

"The Silver Tsunami" - online seminar series 3:4

Title: TBA

Online (Norsk Helsenett)

Program and registration

Tue 22.06 2021, 15:00-16:00

"The Silver Tsunami" - online seminar series 4:4

Title: TBA

Online (Norsk Helsenett)

Program and registration

14-17.06 2021 The-christie-advanced-radiotherapy-summer-school-2021

Online course

05-06.10 2021 BiGART2021 - Biology-guided adaptive radiotherapy- conference

Oslo, Hotel Bristol

Information and registration