NIRO guest lecture by Dr. Yolanda Prezado, November 16th 2022: Proton minibeam radiation therapy: a promising therapeutic approach

Dear colleagues,

NIRO is happy to announce that Wednesday November 16th, Dr. Yolanda Prezado, Institut Curie, Paris (D'Orsay) France, will give the talk: Proton minibeam radiation therapy: a promising therapeutic approach.

Dr. Yolanda Prezado is a team leader in New Approaches in RAdiotherapy (NARA), at the Translational Research Department, Institut Curie, Paris (D’Orsay), France. The team works at the interphase between medical physics, computing (Monte Carlo simulations), and radiobiology. They explore novel RT techniques, pioneering the conception and development of innovative methods based on the use of the spatial fractionation of the dose. This strategy has already shown a remarkable reduction in side effects of the radiation.

To learn more about Dr. Prezado and her work, please visit and


Time: Wednesday, November 16th at 11.30-12.30
Place: Norwegian Radium Hospial, OUH, Strålebygget (building J), ‘’Lille auditorium’’ (J3053).

Light refreshments will be served from 11.15



Nov 9, 2022 Page visits: 3420