NIRO encourages multidisciplinary radiation therapy-related projects involving all three hospitals. Applications are approved on a continuous basis, and up to NOK 200,000 can be applied for a single activity. Each application must provide a clear description of the activity, including its purpose and goals. In line with the new grant from HSØ, all projects funded by NIRO must be related to proton radiation therapy. Therefore, the connection to proton therapy must be explicitly outlined in the application. Additionally, the activity must be publicly available on our website under the “Funded” section.
Funding from NIRO:
- Participation and/or conduction of meetings, workshops, courses, seminars and symposia.
- Travel and diet expenses in connection with meetings, workshops, courses, seminars and symposia.
- Start - up funding for clinical trials.
Not funded by NIRO:
- Participation in conferences.
- Preparing for research projects.
- Scientific positions.
- Running expenses for research studies.
Apply for funding:
To apply for funding, please send an e-mail to netwoork coordinator Sissel Hauge, containing the following:
Subject: NIRO application for funding
Project title:
Type of activity: Project/Workshop/Meeting/Seminar/Other
Research group: An introduction to your group
Description: A description of the project or activity you are planning. What/Who/Where/When/Relation to proton radiation therapy. Short, 10 sentences.
Applying (NOK): Total sum and small overview (e.g. plane tickets kr…, hotel kr… etc).