OUS Radiumhospitalet May 30th 2024: Guest lectures by Siamak Haghdoost and Ludwig Dubois

Dear colleagues

On Thursday May 30th there will be two guest lectures at Radiumhospitalet, Oslo University Hospital:

Dr. Siamak Haghdoost (University of Caen, France, and University of Stockholm, Sweden)

Role of Nrf2 signaling in radioresistance

Dr. Siamak Haghdoost is a professor of molecular radiobiology at the University of Caen and University of Stockholm. He is also a work package leader in the HARMONIC project, a European-funded project concerning long-term health effects of medical exposure to ionizing radiation in children. His research interest is in early and late health effects of radiation, particularly in understanding how cells respond to low/high doses of ionizing radiation, including proton and carbon ion radiation.

Dr. Ludwig Dubois (Maastricht University, the Netherlands)

Tumor hypoxia from bed to bench and back, a success story?

Dr. Ludwig Duboius is an Associate Professor at the Department of Precision Medicine, Maastricht University. His research interest is in translational research in radiation biology, with a focus on hypoxia and therapies directed at hypoxia. He also works on preclinical radiation-induced healthy tissue toxicity, the combination of radiation with targeted immunotherapy, and preclinical dose painting.


Time: May 30th, 16:00-17:00

Place: Norwegian Radium Hospital, OUH, Strålebygget (building J), ‘’Lille auditorium’’ (J3053).

Light refreshments will be served from 15:30.



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