NIRO presentations Standard frase for acknowledgement and logo download for posters, presentationes and other. Acknowledgement Supported by NIRO - Network in Radiation Oncology Power Point - presentations NIRO: PP - presentation
Guest lectures at ICR Radiumhospitalet November 28th 2023:Francois Chevalier and Diana Savu present their preclinical research on particle therapy in Caen, France and Bucharest, Romania
NIRO guest lecture by Dr. Elke Beyreuther June 16th 2023:Recent activities in proton flash radiotherapy
Guest lecture by Anant Pandey at UiO, March 23rd 2023Search for new thermoluminescence dosimeter (TLD) materials: requirements, plans and challenges
NIRO guest lecture by Dr. Yolanda Prezado, November 16th 2022: Proton minibeam radiation therapy: a promising therapeutic approach