Guest lectures at ICR Radiumhospitalet November 28th 2023: Francois Chevalier and Diana Savu present their preclinical research on particle therapy in Caen, France and Bucharest, Romania

Dear colleagues

On Tuesday November 28th there will be two guest lectures at the Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital (Radiumhospitalet):


Francois Chevalier, CEA (DRF- IRAMIS-CIMAP in Caen) & University of Caen Normandy, France:

"Radiation-biology of radioresistant cancer models and bystander effects in a context of hadrontherapy"


Diana Savu, IFIN-HH, Bucharest, Romania

"Research in proton and carbon ion radiobiology at IFIN-HH"



Place: K04 120 (Research building, Radiumhospitalet)


Anyone who is interested is welcome!

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