NIRO welcomes you to a joint Zoom symposium on: Pre-clinical research in proton therapy – Dresden & Norway

Time:  March 7, 2022, 14:00 - 18.00

Representatives from UiO, OUS, UiB and HVL will together with representatives from OncoRay- National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology, Dresden, hold a joint Zoom meeting on pre-clinical proton research.


Time:  March 7, 2022, 14:00 - 18.00

Representatives from UiO, OUS, UiB and HVL will together with representatives from OncoRay- National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology, Dresden, hold a joint Zoom meeting on pre-clinical proton research.

The Norwegian proton research environment is currently planning and developing pre-clinical research studies at the new proton therapy centers in Oslo and Bergen. At OncoRay, such research activities have been going on for several years. They will share their experience and present ongoing projects at this meeting.


Welcome and introduction

14:00 Christian Richter - The University Proton Therapy Dresden

14:10 Olav Mella - The Norwegian proton therapy project

14:25 Jörg Pawelke - Short overview of the experimental hall in  Dresden


14:40 Aswin Hoffmann, MR-integrated proton therapy, Dresden

14:55 tba - PGI for patient treatment, Dresden

15:15 Toni Kögler - Optimization of PGI, Dresden

15:30 Ilker Meric- The NOVO Project, HVL, Norway

15:45 Kristian Ytre-Hauge - Biological optimization, UiB, Norway

16:00 Dieter Röhrich - Proton CT, UiB, Noreay

16:15-16:30 Short break


16:30 Elke Beyreuther - Overview on in vitro experiment possibilities and Flash experiments, Dresden

16:45 Antje Dietrich - Small animal proton experiments, Dresden

17:00 Eirik Malinen - Radiobiology studies at Oslo Cyclotron Laboratory, UiO, Norway

17:15 Randi Syljuåsen - Protons and damage response targeted therapy, OUS, Norway

17:30 Discussion

18:00 End


Place: Zoom ( link will be provided upon registration) or Meeting room 4, Research building K, RAD. Due to seating restrictions, we can only allow 40 persons in the meeting room.

Register here for the meeting